NLP Presuppositions #4: The meaning of the communication is the response it elicits

The effectiveness of communication is best judged by the response that it gets. Consider what happens after you have communicated. This is far more important that the words that you may say.

Often we may feel like we’ve nailed it with some communication or other.  I remember, for example, being quite certain that I had told an employee that they were dismissed (many, many years ago) only for them to turn up at work the next day, believing that we’d had a nice little chat, but it was nothing serious…!

I had got so worked up about having to tell them they were dismissed, it was devastating to realise I was going to have to do this all over again.  But it was a very useful lesson, and since then, all my discussions with employees end with me checking in with them “I’d just like to check what is your next action, based on this conversation?”

The responsibility of communicating lies with the communicator – not the listener.

Tips to use this NLP presupposition:

Check in with the person you’re communicating with.  Are they receiving the messages that you are putting out?  And is their understanding of the message the same as yours?   If, like my thick-skinned ex-employee, they aren’t hearing what you are saying, then it’s down to YOU to re-engage and communicate in a different way.