What will you get when you become a “Master NLP Practitioner”?

Master Practitioner calling? Getting to the crux of “why”. It’s a question you may have already asked yourself. – so, apart from the seductive promise of “mastery” (and let’s face it, we all love to master our learning and opportunities), apart from that, what will you get when you become a Master Practitioner of NLP? … Read more

NLP Presupposition #13: The ability to change the process by which we experience reality is more often valuable than changing the content of our experience of reality.

If you want to change the world – change yourself first. In fact YOU are the only person you can legitimately change in the way you want to.  So when things are going awry, consider instead of trying to change the “reality”, how to change your experience of reality. The mindfulness techniques of not believing … Read more

NLP Presupposition #10: the mind and body are interlinked and affect each other.

The mind/body were never separate. The concept of separateness was a product of the Western World, and most specifically the Church. In the times of early science people asked the church for permission to carry out post-mortems, to investigate our physiology. The Church categorically said that the body could be investicated, but the head/brain could … Read more

NLP Presupposition #7: Individuals have all the resources they need to achieve their desired outcomes (people work perfectly)

People work perfectly. Everyone already has everything they need to get whatever they want.  Sometimes this is a tough one to get our heads around. After all – does that homeless person really have everything they need?  Does that person in the foodbank have all they need?  Well no. However, they do have all the … Read more

NLP Presupposition #6: You cannot not communicate

Even doing nothing, not-communicating, is in itself, making a statement. It is simply not possible to not-communicate (so long as the other person knows that you have the option to, or not to communicate) How often do we not-communicate, not-respond to texts or emails.  Or answer direct questions with an indirect response?  All of these … Read more