The mind/body were never separate. The concept of separateness was a product of the Western World, and most specifically the Church. In the times of early science people asked the church for permission to carry out post-mortems, to investigate our physiology. The Church categorically said that the body could be investicated, but the head/brain could not. The body is of man. The head/brain was (according to the church) where the sould resided.
Eastern culture accepts and always has accepted that the mind/body are one. It is very clear that our physiology affects our psychology, and vice versa. It is also clear that the brain/body cannot tell the difference between something that is “real” and something that is imagined. You can try this out yourself – imagine something that terrifies you – perhaps a spider, or a great height. You will notice that you’re feeling the sensations of fear as if you are actually facing this situation. Your heart will be pumping faster, you may be breathing faster, your eyes will be focused in a more laser-like stare, and you’ll feel uncomfortable and stressed. This is an example of your brain affecting your brain/body. After all the image is only in your mind! In reverse it is interesting to notice how our body can affect our brain. You can do this by changing your breathing tempo. First check in wiht yourself to see how relaxed you are feeling, score that on a 1-10 scale. Then start doing some slow deep belly breathing (breathe right down into your diaphragm, breathe through your nose) and close your eyes. Do at least 15 breaths then check in with yourself again. How are you feeling? What is your score on that previous 1-10 score now? Tips for using this presupppositionUse the breathing exercise above to calm yourself down. Notice the times when your brain is runing away on a story that is causing you stress. Remember your brain/body cannot tell the difference between real and fake and ask yourself whether you are actually believing and acting on your own thoughts or on what is reality? |