Bandler and Grinder created NLP through modelling excellence. We have all modelled someone at every stage of our lives, it is an excellent way to learn.
“Modelling” is nothing to do with fashion or catwalks, instead it is a term used to describe a very specific behaviour. When we model someone, we watch and absorb every part of their actions. When we are small children, we have learned to walk, talk, play, engage, by modelling the successful behaviour of others. Nobody ever gave us “lessons”, this was all done by ourselves. When we model someone using NLP techniques, we work with the same childlike curiosity in order to totally “unpick” a behaviour that we wish to understand. This isn’t about just copying, it’s about getting to understand someone’s thought processes as they are doing a behaviour, what that person is seeing (in their mind’s eye or in “reality”), what that person is hearing, feeling, etc. An NLP Modelling project can take many hours to just get a firm grip on one behaviour output. And yet, the success of this modelling can be outstanding. Tips to use this NLP PresuppositionImagine wanting to know how to bowl brilliantly at cricket, or bake an amazing cake? The best thing to do is to model someone who can do these things. Unpick their behaviour, replicate every element of their actions, and as you “do” the behaviour, notice how you replicate the success they achieve. |