What will you get when you become a “Master NLP Practitioner”?

Master Practitioner calling? Getting to the crux of “why”.

It’s a question you may have already asked yourself. – so, apart from the seductive promise of “mastery” (and let’s face it, we all love to master our learning and opportunities), apart from that, what will you get when you become a Master Practitioner of NLP?

Here are a few of the reasons for the desire for mastery, that we have uncovered, both within ourselves, and from others:

  • Want to go deeper with NLP
  • Want an NLP-based business.
  • I want to train NLP – to run NLP Practitioner courses for myself
  • I am a coach but I want the elegance and eloquence that NLP can give me.
  • Wanted to have a greater understanding of the tools and techniques
  • LOVED the NLP Practitioner training so much, we wanted to re-experience and gain more skills
  • To reinforce a lot of the NLP learning, and build on it
  • It’s going to be great for my career
  • To just gain the title “Master Practitioner”
  • Because although we get the practitioner and felt comfortable working with ourselves and friends, we know that Master Practitioner will bring more opportunities to work with others
  • Wanted MORE tools and techniques – I am so hungry for more learning
  • Fascinated by modelling – realising the great benefits of modelling to propel my career by modelling excellence
  • My journey with NLP is not yet complete – Master Practitioner is the next step
  • It’s the next step towards teaching NLP
  • I want to teach NLP so Master Practitioner is a MUST
  • Wanted to get the higher order processes of unconscious behaviour – truly embedded.
  • I believe in depth of experience and MP will give me both deeper experience and deeper theory.

So what does Mastery mean for you?

Our Master Practitioner is a 12-day programme which builds on the Practitioner material in far more depth.  It deep-dives into modelling and linguistics, and offers considerable new material. (AND IT IS SUPER-EXCITING – look here for details: https://nlp-uk.co.uk/nlp-training-devon/nlp-master-practitioner-devon/

It embodies the key principles that underpin NLP, and allows creativity within NLP so you can develop your own tools and techniques, by understanding deep and advanced NLP patterns, and how they are put together.

Delegates build on their skills to change beliefs and values in themselves and others in a way that fits their lifestyle, family and work systems.

Master Practitioner level courses involve modelling projects as a way to underpin knowledge, and to build new skills.  The Modelling projects focus on modelling real expertise (excellence) and not mediocrity.  The very core of NLP is modelling, and the modelling at Mastery Level is complex and integrated.  (A very similar experience to Bandler and Grinder as they created NLP).

With Master practitioner understanding, you will be equipped and able to work with groups and individuals, conducting advanced change and development processes, use advanced linguistic patterning for influencing change.  You will understand the cognitive and behavioural modelling projects to support your personal advancement by applying these to your chosen direction.

And on top of that, you’ll learn the skills and understanding of behaviour in order to create AWESOME motivating interactions that influence and speak to change.


You will have already completed a NLP Practitioner Programme, at least 6 months prior to starting the Master Practitioner Programme.  (A copy of your Practitioner certificate will be required to confirm eligibility)

You will commit to reviewing your NLP Practitioner learning before the Master Practitioner programme.

What you’ll learn with your NLP Master Practitioner Qualification:

Modelling – the foundational skill of NLP – it’s how NLP was created.

You’ll do a modelling project – modelling excellence, in an area that you can use again and again.

Advanced linguistic models. – sleight of mouth, linguistic reframing, linguistics of meta-programs to work with filters

Coding and patterns for teaching others – creating desirable change and influence

Working with the unconscious, including values, criteria, values intervention and creating powerful motivational change.

Hypnosis with hypnotherapy as the key skill.  We work with a leading hypnotherapist who will be your guest trainer for this module.

Patterns, meta programs and beliefs – eliciting, calibrating and utilising deep patterns that are mostly unconscious.

Time work – spatial, kinesthetic, visual and auditory times lines, with metaphors, re-imprinting, tracking and working with past representations, that are influencing the present.

Breakthrough sessions – coaching models for creating positive change. How to create a breakthrough session, and follow-up interventions

… and so much more.

And our NLP-UK practitioner course – gives you w-a-a-y more than all this:

It gives you 12 impactful days with the LEADING MASTERS from across the UK. Look at it here: https://nlp-uk.co.uk/nlp-training-devon/nlp-master-practitioner-devon/

Questions? Give us a ring or connect with us here: https://nlp-uk.co.uk/contact/