We are super-excited to present this highly experiential NLP Master Practitioner course here in Devon. We’ve brought together THE LEADING people in their subjects so you will get a first-hand experience of mastery – direct from the experts! (Just like Bandler and Grinder did back in the 1970’s).
An action-packed 12 days high quality training – spread over several months.
2025 Dates will be published soon.
Please contact us to get on the waiting list.
And now the fun stuff – the Course!!!!
This is a unique course delivered by a GROUP of experts in their field.
- TOP Hypnotherapist and hypnotherapy trainer.
- Author and expert in Linguistics
- LEADING Timeline Therapy (TM) Trainer
- INDUSTRY ACCLAIMED author and trainer in Motivational Interviewing
- EXPERTS in Metaprograms, Coding and Modelling
Here it is – a fabulous 12 day Mastery-focused programme over 6 weekends.
IMPORTANT: the order of weekends may change, although this won’t impact on the overall course. Please note that some modules may need to be both online and offline. Our preference is for in-person, in-the-room training, and we will aim for this wherever possible. If covid or order of play means we need to switch to online for a module, please bear with us. All modules will be “live” though.
Module (week) 1: – Starting the journey – coding, modelling launch
Welcome to this wonderful journey into NLP Mastery. This weekend we will be setting the scene, unravelling the mystery of mastery – and planning the journey. We will gain a greater understanding and exploration of language, environment, time and movement. We will review coding and we will investigate the launch of your modelling project.
All of this course is working towards Modelling – the fundamental aim of NLP. The skills you will learn and assimilate – as the course continues – means you can work on your modelling throughout, whilst you are also honing your modelling skills for life.
Module 2:– “Keys to Mastery” and working with the unmotivated/resistant client
How often do you work with a client and wonder what on earth will truly help? Repeating patterns, self-destruction, unhelpful thought patterns… they may say they want to change – but you just feel that it’s unlikely. Welcome to Motivational Interviewing: an exceptional tool that will help you unstick yourself – and your clients.
Module 3: Cunning Linguistics, sleight of mouth, words that get results
LINGUISTICS: And at this stage, we’ll also start to look at advanced linguistics to build and hone your practice. Enjoy and embrace language, understand the way others may have manipulated you in the past (and realise how you may have even manipulated yourself!) Understand how linguistics is used in marketing and the media. Gain linguistic influencing skills, and connect with the hidden power of language.
CLEAN language. Where limiting yourself to a few simple questions paradoxically leads to a space where clients feel deeply safe and acknowledged, where they are able to explore their own experience without outside influence or judgement, and create their own solutions to getting the outcomes they want.
As a facilitator, you learn how to invite attention into the client’s body, into the client’s metaphors and into space in ways that access resources and create deep insights and change for the client. Welcome to a journey deep into the wonderful uniqueness of your clients’ inner worlds.
Module 4: – Timeline Therapy TM
Going deep into Timeline Therapy ™ with specialist Timeline Trainer. Making timelines even more useful and functional, understanding the nuances and developing strategies. You will be qualified to the standard where you can join an international Timeline Association.
Module 5: – Hypnotherapy
A stand-alone hypnotherapy qualification that leads to an international certification to practice through the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Go deeper and deeper. Engage with your unconsciousness and learn more about yourself than you may have remembered. Learn how to put someone into a trance, the different trance states, and how to self-hypnotise.
Module 6: – Completion, more coding, more patterns – and ongoing Mastery!
The final week of this deep and experiential journey. Julia and Sue will train you in coding and patterns for teaching others. We will be supervising breakthrough sessions using all the valuable techniques of the previous weeks. Although it has been a wondrous journey, at this point you will realise that perhaps the journey has only just begun! And that now, complete with the strong and valuable treasure-chest of tools, you are finally a master of NLP! Even more capable of striding out and making a difference in the world, and in your chosen destination.
Your expert NLP facilitators:

Sue Haswell is a qualified and experienced trainer and coach, NLP Master Practitioner, trainer, mindfulness & stress management specialist and qualified facilitator.
Sue Haswell – Master Practitioner, senior NLP Trainer, Communications and media trainer.
Sue Haswell is a qualified and experienced trainer and coach, NLP Master Practitioner, trainer, mindfulness & stress management specialist and qualified facilitator. She is also an accredited DiSC and EQi facilitator, and a member of the British Psychological Society Test Users. Sue has been running her own successful communications, training and consultancy business since 1997 (the same year she discovered NLP!)
Sue has worked with a variety of major organisations throughout the UK, to help improve their business, including specialist training and coaching in communications and creativity. She delivers Media Skills training, to “face the press” and advises companies on their communications strategy, as well as how to get the point across even in times of extreme stress and crisis.
Sue is the author of PR Superstar; A best selling book on getting the most from your linguistics and communication with the media. And if all this seems a little serious – Sue has been recognised as an International Laughter Yoga Ambassador for Laughter Yoga International.

Hypnotherapy and timeline trainer, Victoria Whitney is an expert in assisting people in transforming their lives to create the situations and circumstances they want in life
Victoria Whitney – Hypnotherapy and Timeline Therapy (TM) trainer
Award winning Health Wealth and Happiness Expert Victoria Whitney is an expert in assisting people in transforming their lives to create the situations and circumstances they want in life.
Victoria has been in the personal development industry for over 15 years now, and assisted many people in overcoming lifelong blocks and barriers, enabling then to transform their lives. achieve more, be more do more and have more of what is truly in alignment with the most authentic version themselves.
Victoria holds an Award for Inspiring Human Potential in Training and Coaching, LLB Hons from Exeter University, is Certified Trainer of NLP Certified Instructor of Hypnosis, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy (TM), Master NLP Coach, has PTLLS, ILM Teamleader qualifications, Health and Social Care Diplomas at several Levels.

Phil Harris has worked in frontline mental health, personality disorder and substance abuse services with adults and young people for over 28 years.
Phil Harris – Motivational Interviewing and Mastery
Phil Harris has worked in frontline mental health, personality disorder and substance abuse services with adults and young people for over 28 years. The majority of his client work has focused on working with difficult and entrenched complex cases.
The majority of his client work has focused on working with difficult and entrenched complex cases. As a treatment designer he has developed bespoke and county wide treatment systems across the UK that have set new standards in treatment outcomes and designed a range of specific intervention for complex client groups. He has written over 20 scholarly articles, published five books on effective treatment and contributed chapters to the Royal College of GPs guidance on working with young people with complex needs.
He is a visiting lecturer at the University of Bristol Social Policy Unit, was an advisor to the US BICEP programme and has worked as an advisor to the World Health Organisation in the Balkans. He is currently the Lead Psychologist for a large mental health and housing charity supporting teams who work with complex cases including personality disorder, trauma and dual diagnosis.
Course pre-requisites
- You will have already completed a NLP Practitioner Programme, at least 6 months prior to starting the Master Practitioner Programme. (A copy of your Practitioner certificate will be required to confirm eligibility)
- You will commit to reviewing your NLP Practitioner learning before the Master Practitioner programme
Assignments for Master Practitioner Status
- ‘Personal Breakthrough Session’ – designed and delivered during the course
- A modelling project “for excellence” – which will be presented to a small group at the course (the presentation will also be using NLP skills)
- Homework and research projects
- Course duration: 12 days (spread over several months)
- This is a 12-day pass-or-feedback course overall. Spread across 6 months
- You will complete two main assignments as part of your Master Practitioner certification, and receive peer, personal and tutor feedback.
- Peer and Supervisory Assessments: Throughout the course you will be assessed for your performance, understanding and practice, and these assessments will be both by the course leaders and your peers. You will also be expected to provide peer assessments.
- MEMBERSHIP OF ANLP** (introductory – see below)
Once you have passed the course, you will be entitled to three months introductory ANLP membership – which we include as part of the course (if you’re already a full member your renewal will be extended by 3 months).

Introductory membership package includes
– Introductory Members pack on graduation, containing a copy of Rapport, personal membership certificate and more.
– 3 months membership of ANLP at Professional level: this includes the next issue of Rapport and emails from ANLP about how to make the most out of their membership.
Successful completion of the Timeline Therapy TM Practitioner and Hypnotherapy Practitioner elements mean you will receive a certificate of completion. This enables you to register with a worldwide accreditation body and be recognised worldwide and practice worldwide as a certified practitioner of Timeline Therapy TM and Hypnotherapy.
£1995.00 Early Bird
£2495.00 Late Bird
“NLP opened my eyes and suddenly I could see myself as I had never understood before“.
REVIEWS: What are people saying about our NLP training?
Check out our testimonials below. Each picture links to a video for you to watch.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS COURSE CAN ONLY RUN SUBJECT TO SUFFICIENT NUMBERS BOOKED ON IT. If we don’t get the numbers you’ll be offered a full refund.
To book on this NLP training, and for further information please contact Sue Haswell.
Tel: 01626 864458 and 07772 333001
Contact webpage: https://nlp-uk.co.uk/contact/ or email: contact@nlp-uk.co.uk
Practical information: Teas/coffees will be provided all day long. Lunch is at your own arrangement.
“NLP is both a professional training and a personal therapy. A magical journey, an opportunity to grow and rediscover myself, and to come away with all the tools I need to make my true authentic life re-begin”

Timings: 10am – 5:30pm each day (approx).
GET DATES AND BOOK HERE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/114784850578