We don’t take in the world in the same way as each other – in fact most people have a contextual preference for experiencing the world. They might “see things clearly” – or “something rings a bell”. It’s possible that they are operating in the “best possible taste”… or something might “smell a bit fishy”!
We all use most of our preferences at different times, and it’s unlikely that anybody is going to have just one way of taking in the world. When we can understand someone else’s VAK preference, we can communicate with them in more depth.
Ever wondered what your VAKOG preference is? VAKOG stands for:
- Visual (seeing)
- Auditory (hearing)
- Kinaesthetic (feeling/emotion)
- Olfactory (smell)
- Gustatory (taste)
When we understand our own VAK preferences, this can help with our learning, and it can open up opportunities for us to expand our awareness, or to try out different ways of perceiving. This in turn creates greater flexibility – and means our communications with others could be richer and more diverse. Here’s a simple quiz to help determine your preferred learning style based on the Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) model: Notice how many V’s, A’s or Ks you get, and if you have an overwhelming majority of one or the other that’s likely to be your preference.
Work through the fun quiz below – and for the purpose of this exercise, the quiz is going to focus on VAK. These are the most usual preferences.
- When you are remembering new learnings, what do you find is best for you?
a. Printing or writing everything out, drawing pictures and diagrams (V)
b. Saying words out aloud, recording them and listening to them or repeating them in your head? (A)
c. Doing the activity/learning practically and experiencing the activity (K)
- When you meet a friend you haven’t seen for ages, you’re most likely to do which first:
a) Tell them“it’s so good to see you” (V)
b) Ask them“Tell me everything you’ve been up to – I can’t wait to hear” (A)
c) Give them a hug, handshake or pat on the back. (K)
- When you complain about something you’ve bought in a shop, you’re most likely to:
a) Send an email or letter to them (V)
b) Phone them up and speak to customer service (A)
c) Visit the store and show them what’s wrong. (K)
- When uncovering new information for the first time, which method do you find most effective?
a) Reading textbooks, watchingvideos or written materials (V)
b) Listening to lectures or audio recordings (A)
c) Doing hands-on activities or experiments (K)
- When recalling a memory, how do you remember it most vividly?
a) Visualising images or scenes in glorious colour (V)
b) Recalling conversations or sounds (A)
c) Remembering physical sensations or movements (K)
- When you want to enjoy a book or reading material do you prefer to:
a) Download it to your device and read from the page (V)
b) Download the audio, and listen to the audiobook (A)
c) Hold a printed copy of the real book, feel the weight of the book, turn the pages
- How do you prefer to communicate with others?
a) Sending written messages, texts or emails (V)
b) Having verbal conversations or phone calls (A)
c) Engaging in activities together or using gestures (K)
- Which environment helps you focus best?
a) Well-organised and visually stimulating surroundings (V)
b) Quiet environments with minimal noise distractions (A)
c) Interactive and dynamic spaces where movement is encouraged (K)
- When solving a problem, what approach do you tend to take?
a) Drawing diagrams or charts to visualise the problem (V)
b) Talking through the problem aloud or listening to others’ perspectives (A)
c) Trying different actions or experimenting with solutions (K)
- How do you prefer to learn a new skill?
a) Watching demonstrations or instructional videos (V)
b) Listening to explanations or following verbal instructions (K)
c) Practicing the skill hands-on until it feels natural (A)
- In a group setting, if you are presenting information, how do you contribute most effectively?
a) Providing visual aids, drawings, and visual presentations (V)
b) Sharing ideas and leading discussions (A)
c) Demonstrating tasks or leading group activities (K)
- When asking for directions from someone, what are you most likely to request?
a) Written instructions or maps that you might draw or reference (V)
b) For them to explaining verbally with clear steps (A)
c) Asking them to show you through demonstrations or guiding physically (K)
Now just tot up your VAKs and add them up.
V’s =
A’s =
K’s =
Notice which is your majority score? V, A or K?
What next for your VAK awareness?
And now what? What you can do with this knowledge?
Well you can use it to communicate more effectively, to switch up your awareness and use other people’s metaphors or maps of the world to help them feel more “heard”. Of course you might choose to do nothing, just to enjoy the awareness.
Or you might decide to flex your behaviour more – in which case you can ask yourself: What action(s) are you going to take to flex your preferences? For example: what could you do from the above quiz that might give you more flexibility and choice?
Go VAK -spotting?
Who of your friends uses particular phrases regularly? It can be fun to spot which part of VAKOG they are referring to. And to ask them more about how they are experiencing the world.
V’s |